
Vietnam war timeline
Vietnam war timeline

  • June 1963: A 73-year-old monk immolates himself while sitting at a major city intersection in protest, leading other Buddhists to follow suit in coming weeks.
  • Eight people, including children, are killed.
  • May 1963: In a major incident of what becomes known as the “Buddhist Crisis,” the government of Ngo Dinh Diem opens fire on a crowd of Buddhist protestors in the central Vietnam city of Hue.
  • The South Vietnamese are overcome despite their four-to-one advantage and the technical and planning assistance of U.S.
  • January 1963: At Ap Bac, a village in the Mekong Delta southwest of Saigon, South Vietnamese troops are defeated by a much smaller unit of Viet Cong fighters.
  • February 1962: Ngo Dinh Diem survives a bombing of the presidential palace in South Vietnam as Diem’s extreme favoritism toward South Vietnam’s Catholic minority alienates him from most of the South Vietnamese population, including Vietnamese Buddhists.
  • aircraft start spraying Agent Orange and other herbicides over rural areas of South Vietnam to kill vegetation that would offer cover and food for guerrilla forces.
  • January 1962: In Operation Ranch Hand, U.S.
  • Kennedy sends helicopters and 400 Green Berets to South Vietnam and authorizes secret operations against the Viet Cong. The United States views the NLF as an arm of North Vietnam and starts calling the military wing of the NLF the Viet Cong-short for Vietnam Cong-san, or Vietnamese communists.
  • December 1960: The National Liberation Front (NLF) is formed with North Vietnamese backing as the political wing of the antigovernment insurgency in South Vietnam.
  • September 1960: Ho Chi Minh, facing failing health, is replaced by Le Duan as head of North Vietnam’s ruling communist party.
  • The route becomes known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail and is greatly expanded and enhanced during the Vietnam War.
  • May 1959: North Vietnam forces begin to build a supply route through Laos and Cambodia to South Vietnam in an effort to support guerrilla attacks against Diem’s government in the south.
  • backing, while Ho Chi Minh leads the communist state to the north.
  • 1955: Catholic nationalist Ngo Dinh Diem emerges as the leader of South Vietnam, with U.S.
  • The agreement also stipulates that elections are to be held within two years to unify Vietnam under a single democratic government.
  • July 1954: The Geneva Accords establish North and South Vietnam with the 17th parallel as the dividing line.
  • Eisenhower says the fall of French Indochina to communists could create a “domino” effect in Southeast Asia. The defeat solidifies the end of French rule in Indochina.
  • March-May 1954: French troops are humiliated in defeat by Viet Minh forces at Dien Bien Phu.
  • June 1950: The United States, identifying the Viet Minh as a Communist threat, steps up military assistance to France for their operations against the Viet Minh.
  • February 1950: Assisted by the Soviet Union and the newly Communist China, the Viet Minh step up their offensive against French outposts in Vietnam.

  • Vietnam war timeline